Washington Auto Show

I absolutely LOVE going to auto shows! Back in Seattle, the Seattle Show was an annual favorite. It was a great opportunity to see all of the new cars for the model year, see a couple cool customs, and have a relaxing day of walking around. I was excited to hear of one in D.C., so I headed over.

What was interesting was they had most of the manufacturers on the top floor. Having walked through it all, I was surprise how quick I managed to cover the show. Then, I found out about the bottom floor.

The bottom floor was where they had all of the customs and exotics. Plus, the local Mustang and Corvette clubs each had a section. All really nice stuff.

I think I may have found a new annual tradition.

Url: https://washingtonautoshow.com/

Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/1pR4wpUG1LJgPs7e8


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