Washington Auto Show
I absolutely LOVE going to auto shows! Back in Seattle, the Seattle Show was an annual favorite. It was a great opportunity to see all of the new cars for the model year, see a couple cool customs, and have a relaxing day of walking around. I was excited to hear of one in D.C.,…
Madison Square Garden
I am excited to say that I have seen a Knicks game at Madison Square Garden, a quintisential experience for hoops fans! I wasn’t quite sure it was going to happen. I had a business trip planned to NYC, but my schedule was a bit influx. So, I decided to wait until the last minute…
The Canal Museum
An interesting discovery of mine in moving to London is that I really like canals! A body of water in an urban area makes for a relaxing, scenic, walk. Another interesting discovery of mine in moving to London is that the Brits have a museum for everything. So, when I realized that The Canal Museum…
To better adapt to the United Kingdom, a colleague recommended that I look into Formula 1 racing. It seemed like a good fit as I am definitely a car guy. He further recommended that I watch the Netflix series Drive To Survive as it does a great job of helping newcomers understand the sport. It…
Ferrari Museums
For my birthweek this year, I went to Italy. The centerpiece of the trip was a visit to Ferrari HQ. They wouldn’t let us take pictures of the factory tour or the test track. But, I more than made up for it at the museums. Take a look in the link below.
The Olympic Forest
Man. It feels like it has been forever since I’ve taken a good instate road trip. I’ve been grinding pretty hard on the job, so I figured I was due for a day off. So, that gave me just enough time to sneak another road trip in. The inspiration for the road trip was the…
Grizzly 3
My desktop PC has been with me for almost 8 years. It’s time. This time around, I was pretty excited to go back to a custom build. I have a pretty well defined naming scheme for my computers: Polar – Prebuilt Desktop Grizzly – Custom built Desktop Panda – Laptop Teddy – Home Theater PC…
Sharing Code on WordPress
There’s a lot to know about sharing code via WordPress. The most popular plugins for handling syntax highlighting leverage open source code. Here is what I looked at. WP-Syntax is based on GeSHi. Code Prettify is based on Javascript code prettifier. SyntaxHighligher Evolved is based on SyntaxHighlighter, which is used by GeSHi strives to…
Sublime + Todo.Txt
I love a good todo list and have recently switched to using the Todo.Txt formatting for them. There are a number of tools available for the format, but I like using Sublime Text 3 with syntax highlighting. Setting it up is fairly easy, but it’s very possible to get tripped up on one of the steps…
Women’s World Cup
How’s this for luck: Three days before the final match for the Women’s World Cup, I get a text from a good friend mentioning that she has an extra ticket to the game! So, it becomes a last minute scramble. There were literally no available hotel rooms in Vancouver. I tried AirBnb, but after a…